Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mississippi Newborn Photographer

I finally got to get my hands on sweet baby Owen after having to reschedule TWICE (daggum gall bladder)!  This handsome guy was exactly four weeks old on the day of his session.  He slept like a champ!  At one point we even TRIED to wake him up, but he wasn't having it.  I think some other newborn must have told him that he was supposed to stay asleep for his session.  :)  He was so cooperative!  Remember, to leave a comment on this post.  If mom can get 15 friends and family members to comment on the blog (not on facebook) then she gets a free print.  So, leave some blog love!

1 comment:

  1. These are GREAT! You have wonderful talent Mandie! I am enjoying your site and the pictures!
